3D Printing

The knight chess piece project

The design

Before being able to have a physical chess piece i first had to design it using a 3d CAD software such as Fusion 360. During the desgin phase, i used a 2d template to assist in designing the shape of the knight piece which made the whole process easier.

I also designed the piece from bottom to top as it would be easier to design the whole piece if i started with the base allowing me to have a reference point for the horse section of the piece

Here is an interactive picture to view the whole model

The slice and print

After designing my chess piece I extracted the design file as an .STL type file to be slice and prepared for 3d printing.My choice of 3d salicer would be Ultimaker Cura asx it support several 3d printers and its user interface is very easy to use especially for first time users.


Now its time to transfer the file to a micro sd card and print

Final product

Of course due to the settings i had chosen in my slicer, my product is not perfect but it is very close to what i had design in my 3d Cad software.



Below is the download link for the ipt file of the chess piece

Click here to download