Web Developement

This section documents the web developement assignment

  • What is HTML, basic structure of HTML pages
  • Common HTML tags, images, hyperlinks
  • CSS and style sheets

The base

When i created this website i started off with a skeleton code using HTML and named it index.htm and made it on my local hard disk.

b1 b1

Afterwards, i duplicated the origial index.htm file and renamed them to the different sections that i needed for my website.


I then did the hyperlinks for each page and added "selected" as a class for each individual page for when i work on the visuals of the website.

navcode navweb

The Visuals

To improve on the visuals and interactivity of the website, i used CSS.

I first needed to link all of my htm files to a CSS file which i named "StyleSheet.css".


I then inserted a few lines of code that produced a basic navigation section and a content section.

navcStyle navSweb

To make the top navigation bar, i had to add an extra part to my navigation section in my CSS file

Topnavcode Topnavweb

The Website

To make my website into a page that can be visted by anyone i used github

If you want to know how to setup the website there are many tutorials online teaching how to use github and its features